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Introducing our Next International for ZOAT 2024: David van Ass!

We’re thrilled to announce that our second international for ZOAT 2024 is none other than David van Ass, a European Hockey League champion! That’s right—the Champions League of hockey. David will be available to boost your team during the tournament, bringing not only his agile skills and clever passes but also his wealth of tactical and technical coaching experience.

And there’s more—David is a great addition for the third half too, making him an all-around asset to any team!

But here’s the catch: If you want David on your team, make sure to bring your wallets! During the tournament, you can donate to our charity, Al-Ikhlas Hope Society (AHS), and the team that donates the highest amount will have the chance to have an international like David join them for a game.

It’s all in the spirit of competition and giving back, so let’s raise as much as we can for a great cause!

A big thank you to David van Ass for joining us at ZOAT 2024! We can’t wait to see him in action!